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发布人:管理员   发布时间:2020-7-28

The manhole cover mold is used to cover the road or deep well at home to prevent people or objects from falling, and prevent the vehicle driving tire from falling into the well and getting stuck. The mold has various shapes and sizes, and the commonly used size styles are square and round. Which one is better in use!

There are vehicles and pedestrians passing through the manhole cover at any time. The circular manhole cover is mainly considered that the length of each diameter of the circular manhole cover passing through its center is the same. In this way, if the manhole cover is rolled up by passing vehicles, its diameter will be slightly wider than the wellhead below, and the manhole cover will not fall into the wellhead.


If the square is used, because the diagonal of the square is obviously longer than each other, the ratio of the side length to the diagonal is one to two. This is because when such a manhole cover is rolled up, it is easy to fall into the well along the diagonal direction of the wellhead. This involves the maximum use and saving of materials, resulting in waste of materials.

保定永久模具厂家是一家专业生产井盖模具的建材厂家,欢迎各位有需要的客户来电咨询!Baoding permanent mold manufacturer is a professional manufacturer of well cover mold building materials manufacturers, welcome to call and consult you in need!